At Upic, we host ePledge campaigns for many United Ways across the country, and we take security seriously. We continuously make improvements to our systems and configuration to support industry best practices, securing data while at rest in our data centers and while “at flight” on the way to them.

One topic which has come up between us and customers lately is that of an email from CyberSource about their upcoming security changes.  What they are doing is strengthening the encryption between CyberSource and their customers, and Upic has taken steps to ensure our systems are compatible with those changes on your behalf. But, what does this mean to you and what do you need to be aware of?

ePledge as a system will continue to properly communicate with CyberSource now and into the future, please let us know when you get these communications so we can verify or make necessary upgrades.

Upic has strengthened ePledge security configuration over the past year, as we always have, which has made ePledge no longer work on old, insecure web browsers. Internet Explorer prior to 11 should no longer be in use, and will not work. If needed, we can make a change to support some older browsers and Operating Systems, but we recommend the organization upgrade their systems to better protect end-user data.

Any campaigns that also make use of CyberSource will no longer be able to support older browsers after February 21, 2018. The changes CyberSource announced will break older, insecure browsers and force use of the latest protocols. By starting discussions with companies now, and getting them to upgrade systems this year, there will be fewer to handle prior to the next campaign season.

While we understand the inconvenience of requiring everyone to upgrade their systems to the latest Operating Systems and web browsers, keeping their data secure while in transit to United Way systems is a requirement. Internet security is constantly evolving, and we pay attention to it constantly, allowing you to focus the United Way mission. However, this change will require the cooperation of companies, United Way and Upic — and we are here to help. If you need Upic’s assistance in discussing this with a company or help filling out a security questionnaire, please contact us.


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