Contributor: Craig Irvin
Now there is a simple way for you to update your Upic Outlook profile, which makes it easier to connect with 20% of the United Way staff across the USA via our Global Outlook Directory. Within the Upic network, you now have the ability to view free/busy calendar schedules and create contacts with staff from any Upic member United Way.
Here’s how to quickly update your Upic Outlook profile:
- Go to
- Log in using your Virtual Office Username and password.
- Once signed in click on Options (upper right hand side of window) and then select “See All Options…
- Under the “Account” selection you will see your current contact information.
- If you would like to update this information, select “Edit”.
- Under the Edit window, you can update items such as: Contact information and telephone numbers including work (required), fax (optional), home (not needed), mobile phone (optional).
- Save changes
NOTE: When updating your contact phone number please use formats such as (555) 555-1212 or 555-555-1212. Many mobile phones often cannot translate other formats to actual phone numbers which makes it difficult for people to dial when looking you up in the address list. Also, please allow up to 24 hours for this information to reflect in the Global Address List (GAL). The GAL is accessible through Outlook, Outlook Web Access and often times mobile devices.